V1.0 Update

Site Admin
Mesaje: 53
Membru din: Vin Iun 09, 2023 8:03 pm

V1.0 Update

Mesaj de [GA]Angel »

Asa cum am anuntat, pregatim serverul Metin2RoSpeed pentru o eventuala deschidere pe viitor. Acestea sunt primele modificari aduse serverului de joc:

  • Anuntam cu drag adaugarea unui nou canal pe serverul de joc viitor - CH2.
  • Noi functionalitati in chat-ul global datorita adaugarii CH2.
    Jucatorii vor avea inaintea numelui pe langa regatul de care apartin si ch-ul, nivelul si un buton [PM] de unde poti da PM unui jucator instant direct din chat.
  • Am adaugat Schimbare canal in optiunile din client pentru a comuta rapid intre cele 2 ch-uri disponibile.
  • Am revenit la interfata clasica Metin2RoSpeed deoarece interfata actuala era incompatibila cu schimbatorul de canale.
  • Noi armuri disponibile la evoluare - Armurile de Vanator.
  • Am adaugat inca un set nou de armuri de design pentru unele armuri de pe server. Speram sa va placa!
  • Noi armuri King disponibile in Itemshop - Kingurile Regale.
    Si ca de obicei, acestea pot fi evoluate din king-urile anterioare cu obiectul Upgrade Armuri din itemshop la un pret mai scazut.
  • Am scazut timpul de asteptare de la etajul 7 din Turnul Demonilor, crescand sansa de drop a hartii zin la 80%.
  • Am eliminat cheile false Bong-In de la etajul 8 din Turnul Demonilor deoarece dropul acestora era exagerat.
  • Deoarece globurile de transformare devin inutilizabile dupa ce folosim sortarea inventarului, acestea se vor gasi de acum inainte la Pescar, in Cufarul Transformarii I. Globurile pot fi imbinate dupa ce au fost scoase din cufarul transformarii.
  • Monstrul Arahan superior brutal a fost adaugat in Cufarul Transformarii I.
  • Am redus semnificativ numarul monstrilor aflati in Temnita lui Razador de la etajul cu cheile.
  • Cuferele sigiliilor Khan sunt acum negociabile.
  • Am remediat o problema la unii mounti, precum Dragor si Cocos, ce nu raspundeau corespunzator cu tastele CTRL+H.
  • Am remediat problema unui skill de la Charon si monstri acestuia ce aruncau caracterul intruna fiind destul de enervant.
  • Am remediat o problema a pet-ului Strut, ce cauza ca acesta sa dispara uneori daca te departai foarte mult de el.
  • Am remediat o problema in animatia sefului Razador ce facea ca acesta sa nu ia damage in primele secunde sau anumite pozitii.

Este pentru prima data cand serverul Metin2RoSpeed ar putea sa devina international in viitorul apropiat, folosind un sistem de multilanguage, astfel incat si jucatorii din alte tari sa se poata bucura de un server de metin2 romanesc de calitate iar pentru voi, jucatorii nostri fideli, noi jucatori, noi provocari. Spuneti-ne ce parere aveti despre acest lucru pe Discord sau la adresa de email administrator@metin2rospeed.ro

Toate cele bune din partea Metin2RoSpeed!

As we announced, we are preparing the Metin2RoSpeed server for a possible opening in the future. There are the first changes brought to the game server:

  • We are happy to announce a new channel on the future game server - CH2.
  • New functionalities in the global chat due to the addition of CH2.
    The players will have the channel, level and a [PM] button before their name, in addition to the kingdom they belong to, where you can PM a player directly from the chat.
  • We added Move Channel in the client options to quickly switch between those 2 available channels.
  • We returned to the old metin2rospeed game interface because the current game interface was incomplatible with the move channel.
  • New armors available upon evolution in game - Hunter Armors.
  • Added a new design set for some armours from the game. We hope you like it!
  • New King armors available in the Itemshop - Royal Kings.
    As usual, it can be evolved from previous kings with the "upgrade armour" item from the itemshop with a lower cost.
  • We decreased the wait time from the 7th floor of the Demon Tower, increasing the Zin Map drop chance to 80%.
  • We removed the fake Bong-In keys from the 8th floor of the Demon Tower because their drop was exaggerated.
  • Since poly orbs become unusable after using inventary sorting, we added them at the Fisherman in a new Transformation Chest I.
  • The Brutal Superior Arahan poly orb has ben added to the Transformation Chest I.
  • We have significantly reduced the number of mobs in Razador's Dungeon on the floor with the keys.
  • Khan seal chests are now tradable.
  • We fixed a issue with some mounts, such as Dragon and Rooster, which did not respond properly with the CTRL+H keys.
  • We fixed the issue of a skill from Charon and its mobs throwing the character away, being quite annoying.
  • We fixed a issue with the Ostrich pet, which causes him to dissapear sometimes if you move too far away from him.
  • We fixed a issue in the animation of the Razador boss, which caused him not to take damage in the first seconds or in certain positions.
It's for the first time when the Metin2RoSpeed ​​server could become international in the near future, using a multilanguage system, so that players from other countries can also enjoy a quality Romanian metin2 server and for you, our loyal players, new players, new challenges. Tell us what you think about this on Discord or at the email address administrator@metin2rospeed.ro

Best wishes from Metin2RoSpeed!
Mesaje: 1
Membru din: Mar Sep 17, 2024 10:29 pm

Re: Update V1.0

Mesaj de TheDKN »

Salut !
O data de deschidere nu avem ?
Site Admin
Mesaje: 53
Membru din: Vin Iun 09, 2023 8:03 pm

Re: Update V1.0

Mesaj de [GA]Angel »

TheDKN scrie: Mar Sep 17, 2024 10:31 pm Salut !
O data de deschidere nu avem ?
Din pacate, nu. Va mai dura ceva deoarece urmeaza mai multe update-uri si nu putem aproxima cand exact vor fi gata toate.
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