V1.2 Update

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Membru din: Vin Iun 09, 2023 8:03 pm

V1.2 Update

Mesaj de [GA]Angel »


    Anuntam cu drag un sistem de skin la arme, similar cu cel al costumelor pentru armuri. Puteti folosi aceste skin-uri pentru a schimba aspectul armelor. Multumim jucatorului @REGELE pentru aceasta sugestie.
    Pe langa aspect, skin-urile ofera si +12 STR/INT/DEX dupa caz, si 10% semi-om pe o perioada de 30 de zile.
    Am ales cateva dintre aceste skin-uri si le-am adaugat in itemshop, urmand ca altele sa apara saptamanal dupa deschiderea serverului.
    Considerati aceasta imbunatatire ca un WIKI de care va puteti folosi pentru a afla multe informatii privind dropul obiectelor.
    CTRL+CLICK DREAPTA pe orice cufar iti va arata ce obiecte poti primi din acel cufar.
    CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK DREAPTA pe orice obiect iti va arata unde poti dropa acel obiect.
    Acest sistem arata exclusiv drop-ul cuferelor si al obiectelor din cufere. Pentru drop-ul monstrilor vom folosi ca si pana acum Mob Drop Info (?) disponibil pe monstri din server.
    Veti gasi mereu afisate combinatiile de butoane pe obiectele care pot afisa ceva, pentru a vi le reaminti.
    Am adaugat un sistem de reconectare in temnite, in cazul in care esti deconectat din cauza internetului sau din orice alt motiv. Pentru a functiona, trebuie sa te reconectezi pe acelasi canal unde erai conectat initial. Din pacate, nu functioneaza in etajele superioare din Turnul Demonilor (7-9) insa vom incerca sa remediem asta cat mai curand.
    Ne dorim ca serverul Metin2RoSpeed sa fie cunoscut pe plan international asadar am tradus complet clientul nostru si in limba engleza.
    Vom avea in curand la download 2 versiuni de client, atat in romana pentru Romania, cat si in engleza pentru celelalte tari.
    Totodata am instalat si limba engleza pe website-ul nostru. Partea de itemshop avea deja aceasta limba insa am completat cu numele obiectelor in engleza si multe altele atunci cand schimbi din limba romana in limba engleza.
    Evolutiile armelor din server au fost restructurate.
    Am eliminat zecile de evolutii care aveau o diferenta mica de atac deoarece erau enervante si am trecut acele arme in sistemul de skin-uri facandu-le in acelasi timp mai speciale.
    Am adaugat la evoluare armele din itemshop deoarece au un atac mai mare si le-am eliminat din itemshop pentru un gameplay cat mai fair-play.
    Costul evolutiilor va fi destul de mare (2-10kkk) deoarece sunt putine evolutii iar yang-ul se va face foarte usor in noul server.
    Evolutiile armurilor din server au fost restructurate.
    Am eliminat armurile de safir din evoluarile disponibile deoarece erau identice cu posedatele (cu exceptia efectului de bule).
    Costul evolutiilor va fi destul de mare (1-10kkk) deoarece yang-ul se va face foarte usor in noul server.
    Nu uitati ca toate armurile din server se pot evolua, chiar si cele de nivel scazut (lv1, 9 etc)!
  • Turnul Demonilor a revenit la 9 etaje. Considerati-l un avantaj in obtinerea obiectelor pentru crearea bonusurilor 6/7 in joc.
  • Clopotele si evantaiele de nivel 65+ au primit un boost de +100 la atacul magic.
  • Rezistenta la magie a fost setata inapoi la 15%.
  • Magazinul de upgrade-uri a fost eliminat in urma votului vostru de a da un scop obiectelor de upgrade si evenimentului cufere hexagonale. Va reamintim ca aceste cufere se gasesc ca drop si la pietrele metin din server.
  • Licoarea Intelepciunii din cufarul ucenicului (lv40) a fost mutata in cufarul ucenicului (lv90).
  • Am remediat aparitia anumitor erori in log-urile din server.
  • Am remediat o problema din afisarea sefilor/metinelor pe minimap.
  • Am remediat o problema in duplicarea ferestrei de switchbot. Retineti ca facand asta, veti prinde mult mai greu bonusurile pe obiecte.
  • Am remediat o problema la sistemul de titluri ce nu mai afisa titlul deasupra numelui caracterului.

Aceasta este ultima actualizare inainte de deschiderea serverului. Vom reveni cu data deschiderii serverului si prezentarea acestuia si multe alte surprize in zilele urmatoare.
Toate cele bune din partea Metin2RoSpeed!


    We are pleased to announce a weapon skin system, similar to costume system. You can use these skins to change the appearance of weapons. Thanks to the player @REGELE for this suggestion.
    In addition to the appearance, the skins also offer +12 STR/INT/DEX and 10% demi-human for a 30 days period.
    We chose some of these skins and added them to the itemshop, and others will be revealed weekly after the server opens.
    Think about this improvement as a WIKI that you can use to learn a lot of information about item drops.
    CTRL+RIGHT CLICK on any chest will show you what items you can get from that chest.
    CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK on any item will show you where you can drop that item.
    This system exclusively shows the drop of chests and items from chests. For the monster drop we will use as before the Mob Drop Info (?) available on the monsters from the server.
    You will always find the button combinations displayed on the items that can display something, to remind you of them.
    We have added a reconnection system in the dungeons, in case you are disconnected due to the internet or any other reason. To work, you must reconnect on the same channel where you were initially connected. Unfortunately, it does not work on the upper floors of the Demon Tower (7-9), but we will try to fix this as soon as possible.
    We want the Metin2RoSpeed ​​server to be known internationally, so we have completely translated our client into English as well.
    We will soon have 2 versions of the client available for download, both in Romanian for Romania and in English for the other countries.
    At the same time, we installed the English language on our website. The itemshop part already had this language, but we added the item names in English and many others changes when you change from Romanian to English.
    Weapon evolutions in the server have been restructured.
    We eliminated dozens of evolutions that had a small difference in attack because they were annoying and we passed those weapons into the skins system, making them more special in the same time.
    We added the weapons from the itemshop to the evolution because they have a higher attack and we removed them from the itemshop for a fair-play gameplay.
    The cost of evolutions will be quite high (2-10kkk) because there are just a few of them and the yang will be done very easily in the new server.
    The armor evolutions in the server have been restructured.
    We removed the sapphire armours from the available evolutions because they were the same as blue armours (except for the bubble effect).
    The cost of evolutions will be quite high (1-10kkk) because the yang will be done very easily in the new server.
    Don't forget that all the armors in the server can evolve, even the low level ones (lv1, 9 etc)!
  • Demon Tower is back to 9 floors. Consider it an advantage in getting items to create the 6/7 bonuses in the game.
  • Bells and fans from level 65+ received a +100 magic attack boost.
  • Magic resistance has been set back to 15%.
  • The upgrade shop has been removed following your vote to give a purpose to upgrade items and the hexagonal chest event. We remind you that these chests can also be found as a drop from the metin stones in the server.
  • Potion of Wisdom from Apprentice's Chest (lv40) has been moved to Apprentice's Chest (lv90).
  • We fixed some errors in the server logs.
  • Fixed a problem with displaying bosses/metins on the minimap.
  • We fixed a problem in duplicating the switchbot window. Keep in mind that by doing this, it will be much harder to catch the bonuses on the objects.
  • We fixed a problem with the title system that no longer displayed the title above the character name.
Best wishes from Metin2RoSpeed!
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