V1.1 Update

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Mesaje: 53
Membru din: Vin Iun 09, 2023 8:03 pm

V1.1 Update

Mesaj de [GA]Angel »


  • Misiuni restructurate pe categorii
    Stim cu totii ca vechea afisare a misiunilor era destul de enervanta asa ca am decis ca misiunile sa fie categorisite mult mai simplu si frumos in loc sa apara toate pe ecran. Veti avea pe ecran doar un quest cu numarul de misiuni active de unde puteti deschide fereastra de mai jos (sau de pe tasta "N"). In plus, misiunile de vanatoare (de nivel) nu mai apar deloc nefiind importante iar cele secundare nu vor fi alocate in lista misiunilor deoarece dispar odata cu inaintarea in nivel pentru ca sunt valabile numai intre anumite nivele. Acestea vor fi atribuite doar daca sunt preluate de la npc-urile de pe harta.
  • Duel avansat
    Un nou tip de duel in care jucatorii vor avea dezactivate critica, patrunderea si otravirea. Vei fi intrebat ce fel de duel doresti in momentul in care provoci un adversar la lupta.
  • Animalutele Polare
    4 noi animalute dragute disponibile in itemshop. Acestea vor ajuta jucatorii cu bonusuri precum experienta, yang si drop obiecte facandu-le destul de importante inca de la deschidere.
  • Am adaugat cateva obiecte lipsa la NPC-ul de Upgrade-uri.
  • Noi lingouri in valoare de 5 Miliarde de Yang pot fi gasite acum la Seon-Hae.
  • Am blocat licorile rosii si albastre in duel iar elixirele nu mai pot fi nici ele folosite daca au fost dezactivate inainte de inceperea duelului, indiferent de duelul ales - clasic sau avansat.
  • Voucherele de Monede Dragon au fost adaugate in Itemshop cu un cost suplimentar de 10% deoarece achizionarea lor aduce si un plus de Jetoane Dragon.
  • Bonusul "Rezistenta la Magie" a fost scazut la 10% in loc de 15%.

Toate cele bune din partea Metin2RoSpeed!


  • Quest view reworked
    We all know that the old display of the missions was quite annoying, so we decided that the missions should be categorized much more simply and nicely instead of appearing all on the screen. You will only see on the screen a quest with the number of active missions from where you can open the window below (or from the "N" key). In addition, the hunting (level) missions do not appear at all, not being important, and the secondary ones will not be located in the list of missions because they disappear when you level up because they are active only between certain levels. They will only be assigned if they are taken from npc's on the map.
  • Advanced duel
    A new type of duel where players will have crit, penetration and poisoning disabled. You will be asked what kind of duel you want when you challenge an opponent to a fight.
  • The polar pets
    4 new cute pets available in the itemshop. These will help players with bonuses such as experience, yang and drop items making them quite important right from the opening.

    • We added some missing items to the Upgrades NPC.
    • New ingots worth 5 Billion Yang can now be found at Seon-Hae.
    • We blocked the red and blue potions in the duel and the elixirs can no longer be used either if they were disabled before the duel started, regardless of the chosen duel - classic or advanced.
    • Dragon Coin Vouchers have been added to the Itemshop with an additional cost of 10% because their purchase also brings extra Dragon Tokens.
    • The "Magic Resistance" bonus has been reduced to 10% instead of 15%.

    Best wishes from Metin2RoSpeed!
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